For hundreds of years, crystals have been said to have the ability to heal and harmonise.
Crystal has a long tradition of being used for healing. Each variety of crystal has a unique internal structure which resonates at a specific frequency and is said to give them therapeutic properties.
While modern medical achievements are made every day, it is still important to remember the natural healing power of the Earth.Crystal therapy is a gentle, non-invasive form of alternative healing that works holistically to harmonise the mind, body and spirit. It is said to increase feelings of well-being and can reduce depression.
Crystals are said to strengthen all the energies of the inner self at once. This is attributed to a unique electromagnetic charge resulting in ‘healing vibrations’ which interact with the body’s energy centres to remove blockages and restore energy flow throughout the body and mind.
One lasting belief is that crystals have the power to intensify and strengthen the protective emotion and energy of love. This explains why crystal is a popular gift given in a romantic act of love itself. However, this ability to pick-up energies means crystals are also said to also accumulate negative or unwanted energies over time since they respond to energies around them whatever they may be.
Renowned for their beauty, healing properties and ability to hold energy; the versatility of crystals is well known. But crystals originating in specific regions are also to have differing properties.
A famed variety of crystal are Himalayan crystals found 3,000 metres above sea level in the Himalayan mountain ranges. Himalayan crystals amplify energy and possess a particularly high energy vibration. This is why Himalayan crystal as the most powerful well-being crystal in the mineral kingdom.
The Tri Angle Pendant, part of QNET’s Himalayan Crystal Collection replicates the triangular energy grids of the Earth and the Great Pyramids of Egypt to channel the natural energy of the Himalayan crystal contained in the pendant. A highly specialised ‘lens cut’ is also used to focus it’s energy toward body. Meticulously and individually hand crafted to capture the natural energy of these ancient quartz crystals, the Tri Angle Pendant is an attractive accessory for both women and men.
Find the Tri Angle Pendant under Jewellery in the QNET eStore.
Disease outbreaks are fairly rare but there is considerable concern about the potential for infectious diseases to take hold and spread rapidly.
Did you know that depending on the food you eat your body’s acidity(pH) changes and this can impact your health? Maintaining a balanced internal pH is excellent for your well being. However, due to a hectic and stressful day-to-day life, we are prone to high acidity from bad food habits, lack of exercise and exposure to pollution and environmental contaminants. If we do not address the stress this places on our body, we will be less able to cope when our body comes under attack from potentially life threatening bacterial and viral infections.
How do I balance my internal acidity?
QNET’s HomePure Alkaline Stick and Alkaline Jug are certified by the FDA, SGS Korea and are also approved by NSF. They are specially designed to alkalise the water you consume.
Inside HomePure’s Alkaline Stick and Alkaline Jug are thousands of ceramic balls, tested and approved by NSF International for their alkalising properties. These ceramic balls react with the molecular structure of fresh water to create an abundance of negative ions which will counter your body’s acidity cell by cell.
Alkaline water is absorbed by your body up to 3 times faster than regular water. It will reach your blood and brain in less than a minute, your skin tissue in 10 minutes and your kidney, liver and heart in less than 20 minutes.
The specially coated ceramic balls will promote the formation of micro-clusters of water at a molecular level which is what allows it to better hydrate cells, flush toxins and more efficiently transport nutrients and minerals to better stabilise and strengthen your body one cell at a time.
Our body weight is of 70% of water. All the fluid in our body plays an important role in maintaining us in good health. Scientist teaches us to drink about 8 glasses of water each single day to keep us on acceptable level of hydration. Coming to drink water, we have many brands that promise a lot of benefits but still we experience sometimes: – fatigue – pain and even indigestion because most of us are not aware that you need a balanced PH of our body. If your body PH is too low, that begets health issue. Nutritionist and other expert recommend a balanced diet (which is the basic to enjoy good health), the consumption of 5 fruits a day and others tips and tricks in other to maintain a balanced body PH.
Living in Big cities where you always swallow canned food, fast food where nobody have time and adopt the “Eat, Drink and Go attitude” you definitely need to balanced your body. An effective way is Home Pure Alkaline Stick.
It is a 10 cm stick which contains in it thousands of ceramics balls tested and approved by NSF international for their alkalizing properties. These ceramic balls react with the molecular structure of fresh water, creating an abundance of negative ions that counterbalance of negative ions that counterbalancing the body acidity.
Simple to use:
HomePure Alkaline Stick Steps
Enjoy the numerous benefits Alkaline Stick which the common are:
- Improvement of water taste
- Stabilization and protection of cells
- Promotion of better metabolism
- Elimination of body waste efficiently
- Improvement of the quality water at the molecule level
- Anti-bacterial properties
Where to buy?
It is advised to buy from a trusted supplier. Approved by the NSF, a Certified FDA’s and CE Alkaline Stick are available with QNET.
QNET contribute to the global community through the daily application of RYTHM – Raise Yourself To Help Mankind. We do this by helping individuals achieve their goals and lead better lives through a combination of an entrepreneurial business opportunity with life-enhancing products.
Adult education experts estimate that up to 40% of what tertiary students are learning will be obsolete a decade from now when they will be working in jobs that have yet to be created. Indeed, the top 10 most in-demand jobs today didn’t even exist 10 years ago. To say that we live in a changing world understates how fast the pace and how vast the scope.
Of course it’s not just technology that’s changing the world. Add to this the social changes in family structure, the globalization of talent and continued innovation in technology, and it’s hard to imagine just what the world and it’s increasingly mobile workforce will look like 20 years from now.
For the three-plus billion people in the workforce it’s not just about keeping up with the rate of change and the nature of the work we do, but how we do it and where. When anyone can work from anywhere, it changes the nature of work everywhere.
When you resist learning, unlearning and relearning, the options available to you can narrow greatly. When it comes to adapting to change, delay is increasingly expensive as you quickly lose your place in a world that’s forever marching steadily forward.
Of course it’s not about acquiring knowledge for knowledge’s sake. We can all acquire copious amounts of knowledge just by sitting on Wikipedia all day. Your iPhone alone gives you access to more information at your fingertips that you can process in your lifetime, much less actually use.
In 1992 Bill Clinton declared that if you just ‘work hard and play by the rules’ you’ll get ahead, have a good life and pave the way for your kids to have an even better one. It’s a nice sentiment but it’s no longer true. In 1992 the internet was only beginning to emerge, few people used email and students still researched assignments using encyclopaedias. It was a world in which technology had yet to revolutionize business; a world where working remotely was still a rarity and many people stayed in jobs for life. Today, it’s nothing to have a dozen jobs over the course of a career. In fact, most people today have multiple careers.
The rules for getting ahead have changed and changed for good. To succeed today you must be in a constant state of adaption – continually unlearning old ‘rules’ and relearning new ones. That requires continually questioning assumptions about how things work, challenging old paradigms and ‘relearning’ what is now relevant in your job, your industry, your career and your life.
Learning agility is the name of the game. Where the rules are changing fast, your ability to be agile in letting go of old rules and learning new ones is increasingly important. Learning agility is the key to unlocking your change proficiency and succeeding in an uncertain, unpredictable and constantly evolving environment, personally and professionally. There are countless things you may have to unlearn in your job, business and career, even in the course of the next 12 months.
Unlearn how to communicate best with colleagues.
Unlearn the technology you use.
Unlearn how to motivate employees
Unlearn the media you use to build your brand.
Unlearn the way you deliver your value.
Unlearn the skills and knowledge to succeed at the next level.
Unlearn who your target market is, what they want and how they like to get it (fast and online!)
Unlearn how to engage and retain top talent.
Unlearning is not about acquiring, it’s about letting go. Like stripping old paint, it lays the foundation for the new layer of fresh learning to be acquired and to stick. But like the painter who needs to strip the paint, stripping the paint is 70 per cent of the work while repainting is only 30 per cent.
As the global economy evolves and market forces drive competition for jobs to new levels, it’s the people who have proactively worked to expand and diversify their skill sets who will be most well placed. When you synthesize your knowledge and skills well, it turns you from a knowledge expert into a knowledge entrepreneur. Everyone is looking for employees who can do critical thinking and problem solving… just to get an interview. What they are really looking for are people who can invent, re-invent and re-engineer their jobs while doing them.”